North Louisiana's Premier Plumbing Company

Some Important Benefits of Low-Flow Toilets and Dual Flush Toilets

Are Their Benefits of Low Flow Toilets & Dual Flush Toilets?

Mark Johnson Plumbing, we want to know, have you ever stopped to think about how much money
is wasted with every flush of your toilet? Chances are, if the
toilets in your home were installed before the mid-90s, they waste countless gallons
of water every year, adding significantly to your utility bills.

If you don’t put off replacing your toilets until either they break
down or you decide to renovate your bathroom, you could start seeing savings
right away.

The Rise of Low-Flow Toilets

In 1992, the Federal Energy Policy Act was introduced which made it mandatory
for all new toilets installed in America to use no more than 3.5 gallons
of water per flush.

The first generation of low-flow toilets wasn’t always as effective
as current models today are. Often, they required a second flush, diminishing
their water economy. Fortunately, since then, they have improved a great
deal and work just as well, if not better than their predecessors.

The Advent of Dual Flush Toilets

Offering even better water consumption rates than low-flow toilets, dual
flush models are the latest addition in the eco-friendly toilet market.
These models have two buttons on top of the tank. The larger button flushes
1.6 gallons of water to eliminate solids, while the smaller one uses only
0.8 gallons to eliminate liquids.

To illustrate just how much of an improvement this is, the average person
with a low-flow toilet flushes approximately 8 gallons of water per day.
On the other hand, with a dual flush toilet that daily amount drops by
40% to 4.8 gallons. That’s less than a single flush of your older toilet.

save_on_water_bills_480The Economy Of Switching To A Low-Flow or Dual Flush Toilet

The EPA has estimated that replacing outdated toilets to low-flow models
can save as much as $100 per year on your water bills. Those savings climb
even higher if you opt for the superior economy of dual flush models.

Another benefit of high-efficiency toilets is that they divert water from
treatment facilities, alleviating the strain on those plants. As such,
some county and city water management companies are offering special rebates
and incentives to homeowners who choose to update their toilets.

Although these models deliver unbeatable savings through advanced technology,
their installation is no more complex than traditional toilets. Nevertheless,
it’s a good idea to have a professional and licensed plumber take
care of the installation to ensure it’s done properly.

For worry-free installation of water-efficient toilets, or for any plumbing
repairs or services in your Ruston area home, call (318) 255-1332 or use our
online form to speak to a friendly professional at Mark Johnson Plumbing.