Spring always reminds us of the renewal in nature, but there is one natural
resource that we lack worldwide- fresh water. This spring, take a moment
to consider the value of that resource.
Even though the earth is largely covered in water (approximately 70 per
cent) only about 3 percent is usable. In many areas people have to rely
on surface water, which is usually unsanitary and rife with water-borne diseases.
As the world population continues to grow, water scarcity will become more
pronounced; there will be more mouths to feed, which will increase water
needs; this shortage will be even more problematic if the current course
that we are on doesn’t change.
That’s why the UN established World Water Day. It is celebrated every
year on March 22. It is a chance for people everywhere to learn about
water scarcity and the role of climate change and of our own water consumption habits
in creating this crisis in the first place.
Water Crisis Information
In developing countries, women spend hours every day dedicated to the collection
of water in rural areas. Much of that water is contaminated. Most schools
in developing countries don’t have water and nearly 2/3 thirds don’t
have proper sanitation, which creates even more disease.
In areas where there is no sanitation (which is extremely common in much
of Sub-Saharan Africa), sewage runs untreated into streams and rivers,
contaminating what little water supply that they do have. It is estimated
that nearly 6 to 8 million people die each year due to scarcity of water
and contaminated supply. The time to act is now.
Conservation Actions to Take
You may feel like the water crisis is a world away, but it’s all about
raising awareness. Everyone has a role to play in correcting this crisis,
and ours start with changing our attitude towards water use. Try some
of these simple steps.
When the kids are looking to cool down on warmer days, have them run through
the sprinkler on your lawn where it needs watering. Water plants and gardens
less often, but more deeply, which is better for them and uses less water.
If you have an irrigation system, make sure that the timer is set properly
to go off early morning or at night. Get a rain barrel to catch water
for your garden.
Take a shower instead of a bath. If you must have a bath, put the plug
in the tub before you turn it on. When waiting for the shower to heat
up, catch that water in a bucket and use it for your plants. If you turn
the shower off when washing your hair, you’ll save a lot more water.
Look for Leaks
Leaks in your plumbing are notorious ways to waste water (and money too).
Get in the habit of locating leaks and fixing them right away. Start with
your water meter. Check it when you use water and then a couple of hours
after you’ve switched it off. If it’s the same, you’ve probably
got a leak on your hands.
Inspect faucets, showers, and toilets for leaks. Also look at connector
hoses, like those that connect your washing machine and ice maker in your
fridge. When they rupture, they leak a lot. Don’t forget to check
your outdoor plumbing for leaks too.
Detected a leak? Get it fixed today by calling us at (318) 257-6167 for
service in Ruston, LA.